Workout: Friday 11/06/2020
Partner Workout 10 Rounds :45 Plank Hold (Hands)/ Max Pushups -Rest :15 after each hold -Rest 2:00 after 10 rounds 10 Rounds :45 Active Bottom [...]
Partner Workout 10 Rounds :45 Plank Hold (Hands)/ Max Pushups -Rest :15 after each hold -Rest 2:00 after 10 rounds 10 Rounds :45 Active Bottom [...]
Level One 100 Pull-ups 100 KB Swings 53/35# 100 Double Unders 100 Shoulder to Overhead 75/55# *Complete in order Time cap: 40:00 **Lots of shorter [...]
Level One Bench Press 7x2 *Ahap/ Rest as needed b/t sets + ”The Chief” 5 Sets 3:00 AMRAP 3 Power Cleans 135/95# 6 Pushups 9 [...]
Level One Deadlifts 4x10 (1 Set every 3:00) *ahap **10 reps must be unbroken + 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Overhead Squats 75/55# GHD Sit-ups -Post Load and time [...]
Level One 5 Sets (1 Set every 1:30) Power Clean+Hang Squat Clean+Squat Clean *AHAP *Can drop bar between reps + 3:00 AMRAP 300m/250m Row 5 [...]