Notice:  The schedule of classes for the Christmas weekend is as follows: Saturday, 12/23, we will have an 8:30 class only.  This will be our annual “12 Days of Christmas” Workout.  After that workout, we will have our Christmas gathering.  Please, feel free to share a favorite small dish with the CFEC family.  We will be closed Sunday and Monday, the 24th and 25th.


Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:

5 Rounds
P1 100 ft. Sled Push   135#/90#
P2 20 Russian KB Swing  53#/35#  + 10 Burpees
5 Rounds
P1 15 Calories on Assault Bike + 25 Double Unders
P2  Holds Forearm Plank
Post time.


Optional Workout

5 Rounds
200m Run
12 GHD Sit Ups
12 SDLHP  75#/55#
12 Pull Ups
Post time.


1000m Row
800m Run
750m Row
600m Run
500m Row
400m Run
500m Row
600m Run
750m Row
800m Run
1000m Row
post time.