Bench Press 5 X 5 L1 M-BW, W-65% BW LII 125% BW,W-85% BW
Power Clean 5 X 5 L1 60% of 1RM LII 75% of 1RM
10-1, 9-2, 8-3, 7-4, 6-5, 5-6, 4-7, 3-8, 2-9, 1-10 of:
KB Clean and Jerk 2 @ 35#/2 @ 26#
Box Jump 24"/20"
Post loads and time.
Coaching Tip: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The first part of the workout goes like this: bench press for 5 sets of 5 reps and work the 5 sets of 5 reps of power cleans into the set. Go back and forth between the two exercises. Get as much rest as needed between each set. Work on proper form and efficient movement. The second workout goes like this: do 10 KB clean and jerks and 1 box jump. Then, do 9 KB clean and jerks and 2 box jumps and so on. The KB C & J is from the ground to overhead any how. There has to be a pause at the shoulder before going overhead, though.
Dawn 55#/63#/10:18
Patrick 165#/115#/12:32
Rose 85#/63#/15:25
Adam 35#/95#/12:14
Jeff D. 135#/125#/12:57 Rx
Rebecca 85#/93#/11:35 Rx
Jack 155#/115#/-
Phil 125#/85#/11:37
Charlotte 85#/63#/10:55
Deborah 45#/63#/-
Lisa 85#/93#/10:22Rx 24″ box
Julia 85#/93#/12:57 Rx
Carrie 65#/63#/7:22
Newman 200#/175#/8:03 Rx 30″ box
Paul 220#/175#/8:40 Rx 30″ box
Walt 145#/105#/11:40 Rx
Berenice 38#/48#/14:08
Tony P. 115#/115#/12:09
Scott 255#/155#/12:10
Monica 85#/63#/12:51 Rx
Chad 165#/125#/14:23 Rx
Ed 235#/155#/8:42 Rx
Ja’rodd 185#/155#/10:02 Rx
Liza 85#/53#/14:23 Rx
Natalie 85#/65#/10:03
Maria 65#/43#/10:32
Chrissy 85#/63#/12:34 Rx
Claire 80#/63#/12:15 Rx
Francisco 165#/125#/10:38 Rx
Laurie 75#/63#/13:54 Rx
Valerie 65#/63#/10:25
Dano 175#/155#/10:37 Rx
Teshina 145#/125#/7:37 Rx 24″ box
Tina 85#/63#/9:40 Rx
Brad M. 205#/155#/12:32Rx
Jennifer R. 65#/63#/12:12
Briley 95#/103#10:02Rx
Sabrina 75#/63#/12:34
Dana 703/63#/12:53
Yvette 65#/93#/12:17Rx
Matt L. 255#/205#/9:38Rx
Okay, who let those fellas in the photo out of Rose’s Psych Ward???
If there were dialogue bubbles overhead Dan-O II is saying “these are MY bunny slippers. You CAN’T have them!!!”
DM is saying in a low growl “I want those bunny slippers. I neeed those bunny slippers. Go to sleep now”.
Johnathon 135#/105#/13:31
Bill 185#/185#/8:15Rx
Paul 155#/95#/15:01Rx
Cameron 135#/95#/15:01
Miry 55#/43#/14:00
Dano II 155#/115#/11:54Rx
Tyler 165#/95#/12:01Rx
Deanna 80#/63#/12:50
Sonya 55#/63#/11:13
Ok really for the past while now I have watched the posts and am a little concerned that Newman may have something left over from the 80’s. Not sure but the responses would say there may be counseling needed? who agrees
I’ve known this for a while, Patrick. He missed his calling as a theater actor, prop designer, handicap vehicle designer, cheeleader, “Globo Gym” group class instructor… But, in his defense, he is one fast, strong and complete athlete. There’s just no way to separate all those that reside inside his skull. You get one, you get them all.
I always was concerned in this subject and stock still am, thank you for posting.