For Time:

30 KB Swings (53#/35#)


30 SDLHP (75#/55#)


30 Pull-Ups ( Every 5th one you must get over the bar and face the other direction for the next 5 P/U)


30 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#)

Post Time to Comments.

Reminders:  The July Flexibility Series continues tomorrow at 11am.  Improve your CrossFit performance by increasing your flexibility.  Also, the Olympic Lift Skill Work class is every Wednesday at 11am and our Go Heavy days are Saturday at 11am.  Improving your Olympic lifts will improve your performance in everything else that you do here at CFEC as well as any of your other sporting activities, so take advantage of these classes often.

Thank you to everyone that came to the 9am Free Sunday Class.  We welcomed 4 brand new athletes, Randy, Luc, Mel and Gabriel, it was nice to meet you, fun having you here, and we all hope to see you again soon!  Thank you to our fabulously friendly CFEC family for helping out and making them feel at home.