1 Mile Run

50 Wall Ball (20#/16#)

40 Pull Ups

30 Wall Ball

20 Pull Ups

10 Wall Ball

1 Mile Run

Post times to comments.

FIGHT GONE BAD IS JUST TWO WEEKS AWAY.  As of Friday night we only have 10 athletes signed up for our team and just 7 of those have begun their fundraising.  Please register for our CrossFit East County team and begin soliciting donations to help meet this year's goal of 1 million dollars (CFEC's goal is $3000.00, we are halfway there.)  If you do not want to join the team and participate in the workout, please consider donating to one of our registered CFEC athletes to help them reach their fundraising goal, then come to cheer everyone on the morning of the event, Saturday, September 26th.  Thank you all for your generosity and support for the Wounded Warriors Project and the Prostate Research Foundation.

Jack holding steady in the double med-ball plank.  Nice work Jack.