500M Row

Rest 1 minute

Max Reps Pull-ups

500M Row

Rest 1 minute

Max Reps Push-ups

500M Row

Rest 1 minute

Max Reps Squats

500M Row

Rest 1 minute

Max Reps Push Press (M-75#, W-55#)

Post each max rep count

Day 30 of the "Burpee Challenge"…30 Burpees today!


A Superstar in the making. Willie is an accomplished club and high school soccer player. He has worked very diligently on his conditioning for the upcoming season, which begins next week. He has taken to CrossFit and has excelled at it. He has increased his performance on the field as a direct result of his efforts at CFEC. His lists of CFEC performances include muscle-ups, 1.5 times body weight deadlifts, double unders, 1:05 400m run and, if you look over my head in the photo, you'll see Willie's name atop the workout "Michael."  Good luck, Willie. Have a great season from your team at CFEC!