Complete the Work For Calories and Time

Two person teams. One rows for calories, while the other does the exercises to completion of prescribed reps. Then teammates switch. this is done for two complete cycles. So, each member rows twice and does the prescribed number of reps for the two exercises. The score is the team with the most calories on the rower and the fastest time completing the workload. Leave the meter running on the rower. Do not reset the monitor.

Each teammate must do:

50 Med Ball Cleans (20#/16#)

50 Plate Sit-up to Squat (25#/15#)

The Fran Cough Explained

by Paul Flores

Anyone who has ever done the benchmark workout Fran knows what the "Fran Cough" is. It usually occurs about 10-15 minutes after you've finished the workout. If you gave it all you had, you know what I'm talking about. You are recovered for the most part, everything is okay, except you can't seem to stop coughing.  The harder you try to stop, the more uncontrollable it becomes. It can last for hours afterwards.

Well, here is the cause of the cough. During the squat phase of the thrusters, you are compressing the abdominal walls, thus putting pressure on the stomach. The rise of lactic acid certainly doesn't help in what happens next. The pressure on the stomach causes forced gastric acid reflux. The increased gastric acid builds up until it finally reaches the trachea. It is here that the acid starts to enter the lower portion of your esophagus and causes irritation.  The natural reaction to this irritation is to try to cough it out. So, there you have it, the "Fran Cough."