"Running Grace"

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1 Mile Run

30 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#)

1 Mile Run

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compare to 07/09/08.

Review: Range of Motion

By Paul Flores

As most of you have heard by now is the lecture by your coaches that we want "consistency before intensity." What that truly means is finding your range of motion for any one movement before being introduced to any external load. For some, this has been a long road to conquer.

When it comes to a movement like the squat, the road to consistency can be very uncomfortable. Most new comers to Crossfit have what we call an "immature squat." The firing off of the muscles in proper sequence to achieve the full range of motion has to be taught and practiced in order to acheive a "mature squat." Sometimes practiced over and over again.

Scott was someone who had a very immature squat when he started CrossFitting a year ago. Very tight hip muscles would not allow Scott to get to the bottom of the squat without a lot of pain and discomfort. With a lot of practice and consistency, he has won out on a proper squat position. Not only that, he has brought up a ton of intensity as well. Note pictures below. That's his lovely wife, Monica, showing great range of motion too.