9am Partner workout:


KB Swings 70#/53#

Sit-Up to Ball Slam

In teams of two complete the above reps.  One partner works for 20 seconds, while the other partner rests, then switch, repeating until all reps are completed.

Tabata Style Partner "Fran"


Thrusters 95#/65#


You and your partner will alternate working and resting 20 seconds each to complete the 81 reps of "Fran". 

Post times to comments.

10am Free Class

Tabata Style Partner "Fran"


Thrusters 95#/65#


3 times

You and your partner will alternate working and resting 20 seconds each to complete the 3 rounds of "Fran". 

Post times to comments.

Francisco and Francisco.  Father and son bear crawls, too cute!