Level I

15, 12, 9, 6

Calorie Row

Box Jump 24"/20"


Ball Slam 20#/12#

4 Rounds

25 Overhead Squats 45#/33#

25 Front Squats

25 Back Squats

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Level II

Snatch Balance 4 X 2

Snatch 4 X 2 @ 80% 1RM


5 Rounds of "Nate"

2 Muscle-Ups


8 KB Swings 70#/53#

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Check out last month's PR Board, November was another stellar month at CFEC.  Keep up the hard work and let's see what December brings.


1 Large Head Cauliflower

2 tbsp Olive Oil (can use butter if preferred)

3-4 tbsp Fresh Parsley

Salt & Pepper to taste

Wash cauliflower thoroughly and pat dry.  Cut cauliflower in small pieces.  Process in food processor until it is the size of rice granules.  Steam in a microwave safe container for 5 minutes.  Heat olive oil in a skillet on medium heat, add cauliflower, parsley, salt and pepper, tossing mixture to combine until heated through.  Serve as you would rice.

Chef's note:  Do not add any water, there is enough in the cauliflower.  Also, do not use in dishes where the purpose of the rice is to absorb liquid.  This is such an easy way to get vegetables into your diet and omit a grain.  It tastes better than rice and can be served with almost anything.  I have served it with chicken and fish and my family loved it.  The bottom picture is of the rice with "Tomatillo Chicken Stew" served over it, YUM.  That is next week's recipe…