Level 1

Deadlift  4 X 3 up to 80% of 1RM


AMRAP in 15 minutes

5 DB Hang Cleans 35#/25#

5 DB Push Press

15 DB Walking Lunges

15 Pull Ups

Post load and time.

Level II

Deadlift - Heavy Single


4 Rounds

25 Double Unders (Straight Set)

2 Bodyweight Thrusters (W-75% of BW)

2 Muscle Ups

Post load and time.

Coaching Tips: Scale and movement to match your current fitness level. Warm up properly prior to any max load lifts. Stay focused and stay strong in your deadlift set up before you start your ascend to full knee and hip lockout. Commit to getting stronger and don't let your mind interfere with what you know your body is capable of.

Mary Conover of CrossFit Santa Cruz wrote an article about our very own Tony Patterson, you can read it here.


1 4lb Rib Eye Roast


1 1/2 tbsp Coarse Ground Pepper

2 tbsp Oregano

2 tbsp Minced Garlic

2 tsp Sea Salt (to taste)

2-3 tbsp Olive Oil (enough to make a paste)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place roast in a roasting pan.  (I used my Pampered Chef Deep Dish Baker, that thing is awesome for cooking almost anything, you should get one.)  Mix all ingredients in a small bowl then, using a knife or small spatula, spread mixture evenly all over the roast.   Cook for 1 1/2 – 2 hours depending on desired doneness.   If you have a meat thermometer, use it.  145 degrees is medium rare, 160 degrees is medium well done.  Served with a large mixed vegetable salad, it was a perfect meal for the omnivores in my family.