Happy Valentines Day!
Grab your valentine and give the partner wod a try

Filthy “100”

100 Box Jumps 20”
100 Jumping Pull-Ups
100 KB Swings 35/26#
100 Walking Lunges
100 Knees to elbows
100 Push Press 45/35#
100 Hip Extensions
100 Wall balls 20/14#
100 Burpees
100 Double Unders
-Complete in Order
-Switch as Desired
-Post Time

Optional Workout

Deadlifts 185/135#
GHD Sit-Ups
**200m Run after Each Set
(10 Deadlifts, 10 GHD, 200m, 9 Deadlifts, 9 GHD, 200m……)
-Post Time

5k Run or Row
-Post Time