Partner Workout

Row 30 Cals/ Bike 30 Cals (Same Time) *Women: 22 Cals
100 Sumo Deadlift Highpull 95/65
*Partner Holds Bar in Front Rack (same weight)
Row 30 Cals/Bike 30 Cals (Same Time) * Women: 22 Cals
50 Synchro Pull-Ups
Row 30 Cals/Bike 30 Cals (Same Time) * Women: 22 Cals
100 Thrusters
*Partner Holds Handstand
Row 30 Cals/ Bike 30 Cals (Same Time) *Women: 22 Cals
100 Pushups
* Partner Holds Top of Push-up

***Workout Flow:
Partner 1 does 30 cal row/ Partner 2 does 30 cal bike at same time. Then both partners will move to SDLHP, When 100 Reps completed..
Then Switch machines: Partner 2 does Row/Partner 1 does bike at same time then go to pull-ups… and so on.
* Cals are together. Switch machines when you get to a new set of Cals. Each Cal set you’re only doing one machine for 30 Cals, either the row or bike.
-You will need 2 Bars for the workout
-Post Time

Optional Workout:

5 Rounds
100’ KB Front Rack Carry 35/26#
15 KB Front Squats
10 Burpees
-Post Time
2 Rounds
25 GHD Hip Extensions
25 Hang Power Cleans 95/65#
-Rest 1:00
2 Rounds
25 Thrusters 45/35#
25 Pull-ups
-Rest 1:00
2 Rounds
25 Med Ball Cleans
25 Burpees
-Post Time Minus 2:00