REMINDER: There will be NO 6:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., or 11:00 a.m. classes Saturday, May 8th.  All other scheduled classes are at their regularly scheduled time slots. CFEC staff and athletes will be competing in the Southwest Regional Qualifiers for the 2010 CrossFit Games this weekend at UC Irvine. There will be live streaming of the weekend's competition at

Good luck to Teshina, Briley, Amelia, Rebecca, Emily, Don, Matt, JoJo and Newman. These fine athletes will be representing CFEC at the Regional Qualifiers this weekend. There is going to be stiff competition from Northern California, Arizona, Hawaii and Southern California. We all wish you guys and gals the very best of luck.

12 Power Snatch   75#/53#

12 Overhead Squats

12 Wall Ball    20#/16#

12 Pull Ups

12 Box Jumps   24"/20"

4 times.


50 Jump Squats   45#/33#

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The workout is a traditional CF workout. Lots of work, different exercises that you'll move through 4 times. Go as fast as possible with little rest and you'll reach a new level of fitness when your done. The squat jumps are full depth squats with a 6" jump off the ground at full extension. When you land, absorb the impact through soft hips and knees.