Level 1

“Down and Back Chipper”

21 Min Time Cap:

50 Box Jumps 24/20″

25 Toes to Bar

50 Wall Ball 20/14#

25 Ring Dips

50 Wall Ball

25 Toes to Bar

50 Box Jumps

Post time or number of reps completed.


Level 2

“Triple 3”

3000M Row

300 Double Unders

3 Mile Run

Post time.


Level 2X

EMOM for 20 Min: 1 Hang Squat Clean (above the knee) + 1 Squat Clean *AHAP


5 x 10 Front Rack Lunges

5 x 5 Bent over rows

Accumulate 5 Min Ring Plank Hold

Post loads.


There will be no open gym or free class this Sunday, 07/27.  Come join us at Coronado at 9 am for a fun beach workout!