Reminder: We will have one class Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, at 8:30.  This will be our 15th Annual Thanksgiving Day Workout.  Be there!  Also, our first class on Friday will be at 8:00 am.


Partner Workout


In teams of two, complete the following:
30 Tire Flip / Tire Jumps  250#/200#
* One person works at a time.  1 Rep is a Tire Flip and a jump on the side wall of the tire.
5 Rounds
12/8 Calories on Assault Bike
20 Russian KB Swings  53#/35#
* One person does a round, then the other partner does a round.  5 rounds each.
10 Gassers
*One person runs a Gasser, tags the hand of his/her partner and that partner runs a Gasser. 10 each.
100 GHD Sit Ups
* One person does a Sit Up, while the other holds a Forearm Plank.
Post time.