Level One

Front Squat
**Build up to a Heavy single FS using above rep scheme. Once you reach the one rep, you may continue doing 1 Rep, adding weight, until you fail or hit your Heavy single for today.
Cal Row
Wall Ball 20/14#
-Rest 5:00
60 Cal Row
60 Wall Ball
-Post Load and Time for each

Level Two

For Time:
50 Handstand Pushups
**Time Cap 10:00
2 Rounds
(1 Set Every 3:00)
10 Power Clean and Jerks 135/95#
10 Power Clean and Jerks 155/105#
10 Power Clean and Jerks 185/130
10 Power Clean and Jerks 205/145
**You have 3:00 for each 10 reps. No additional rest b/t rounds
-Post Time for HSPU and RX or Sets completed (Total sets: 8)


Cals on Bike
Thrusters 75/55#
800m Run
Cals on Bike
Box Jump Overs 24/20”
***(Womens Cals: 18-12-6)
-Post Time