OPEN GYM 8:30-10:00AM

10am Free Class

10-1, 9-2, 8-3, 7-4, 6-5, 5-6, 4-7, 3-8, 2-9, 1-10

Push-Ups/Box Jumps 24"/20"

Pull-Ups/KB SDLHP 53#/35#

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level.  For this work out you will perform 10 push-ups, 10 box jumps then 1 pull-up and 1 KB SDLHP, then 9 push-ups, 9 box jumps, 2 pull-ups and 2 KB SDLHP.  You will continue in this manner until you have completed 1 push-up, 1 box jump, 10 pull-ups and 10 KB SDLHP. Post your total time.

Here is Mike Spears sharing a little CFEC pain with his friend Gina.  Thanks, Spears.  Gina, we hope to see you again soon!