Overhead Squat: 10 Reps in 3 Sets


15 GHD Sit Ups X 4

10 Bulgarian Split Squats X 3 ea. leg

8 Wtd. Pull Ups X 4

Rest as needed between sets. (No time element)


1000m Row

Post load in OHS, loads in BSS, WPU and time.

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Beginning this month, the last Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every month, we are going to allow every member to invite a friend (max of 3 friends) to any schedule class FREE of charge.  They can come to any class you are attending.  We want them to " Share in The Discomfort" that is CrossFit.  They can attend all 3 days with you, if you value their friendship.  CFEC hopes that you take advantage of this program and bring as many friends as you can to CFEC

Some of the new faces at CFEC. Joe, Dustin and Billy.  Say "hello" to them the next time you see them working out at the gym.