Reminder:All Saturday, March 13 classes will be held at Cowles Mountain. Meet at the regularly scheduled class times at the Main Entrance to the mountain at the corner of Navajo and Golfcrest.

Clean and Jerk – Heavy Single


10 Clean and Jerks  M-65% of above wt. W- 50% of above wt.

:30 AirDyne (max effort)

5 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes between cycles.

3 times.


3 minute Ring Plank Holds. ( hands below feet )

Post load and time, minus 4 minutes of rest.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. Proper warm up prior to any max load lifts is highly recommended. Most of you will get a good warm up before we do our dynamic stretches, but if you need more warming up, take the time to get there. Some may get a PR, some may not. Give it all you have on THIS day. That's all we can ask of ourselves. The second part of the workout is a short and sweet interval session that involves the O-lift and the AirDyne with some conditioning burpees as a chaser. Move as quickly as possible, as you'll have 2 minutes to fully recover between your efforts. The third part is some simple mental/core work to finish off the workout.


Paleo Meatloaf

See Lisa's Nutrition Blog for details…