Level 1

1 Mile Run
3 Rounds
25 Wall Ball 20#@10’/14#@9′
25 Push Ups
1 Mile Run

Post time.

Level 2

5 Rounds
1 Minute Max Reps, Rest :30 Seconds Between Each Exercise
Calorie Row
Calorie Airdyne
Ball Slams 25/20″
200M Run (Must complete in 1 Minute)

Post one total number of reps (run = 1 Rep).

Barbell Club

Find Heavy Set of 3 Pause Front Squat (Pause for 3 Counts at Bottom)
Take 90% of Heavy Set of 3 and do 5 x 3 with Pauses
4 Rounds
10 Each Leg Dumbbell (2) Romanian Deadlifts
12 Dumbbell Bicep Curls
12 Dumbbell (1) Overhead Tricep Extension

Post loads.