Congratulations to member, Tiffany, for earning her Brown Belt in Jiu Jitsu. She has been a member of our gym for over 15 years. Way to go, Tiffany.
Level 1
5 Sets
5 Tempo Back Squats 3204 * AHAP
8/4 Weighted Push Ups * AHAP
5/3 Strict Pull Ups
10 GHD Sit Ups
6 DB Z Press *AHAP
15 Calories on Assault Bike
Post loads.
Level 2
Bench Press 3,3,3,3,3 * AHAP
Weighted Pull Ups 3,3,3,3,3 *AHAP
Post loads.
Old School
5 Rounds
400m Run
12 DB Clean and Jerk Right Arm 35#/25#
12 DB Clean and Jerk Left Arm
25 Double Unders
6 Burpees Over DB
Post time.
5:15 am
L 1
Clarissa 165#/55#/30#
Travis 165#/45#/35#
Marco 195#/15#/25#
Andy 205# DL/70#/45#
Rob 145#/100# PR/40#
Eddie 145#/15#/25#
Tim S. 135#/25#/30#
L 2
Troy 215#/53#
Armando 26:56 Rx
Mike S 205/25/35
Matt 165/25/35
Nacho 185/45/40
Marta 105/-/15
Savannah 25:14Rx
Dylan 22:49Rx
Nicole 28:51Rx
Sonya 33:34
Roselynn 28:40
Tina 27:00Rx
Alex 23:42
4:00 pm
L 1
Caroline 105#/20#/25#
Pat 195#/45#/-
Susan 95#/35#/25#
L 2
Cris 175#/44#
Ira 225#/0
Jeff 215#/62#
Sara 24:40 Rx
Trapp 22:12 Rx
Chris 22:07 Rx
Warren 23:12 Rx
Tyler 24:23 Rx
Doug 135/15/30
Mariyah 155/35/30
Gary 135/35/30
Sean 226/55/50
Kayla 145/25/30
Connor 225/55/40
Arnold 95/45/25
Michael 95/25/25
Sloane 185/25/25
Erik 115/-/25