Level 1
15 Deadlifts  135#/95#
15 Push Ups
30 Deck Squats  25#/15#
15 Deadlifts
15 Push Ups
30 Pull Ups
15 Deadlifts
15 Push Ups
30 Lateral Bar Jumps
15 Deadlifts
15 Push Ups
30 KB Swings  53#/35#
Post time.
Level II
30 Waiter Thrusters*  2 @ 45#/2 @ 25#
30 Pull Ups
20 Waiter Thrusters
20 Pull Ups
10 Waiter Thrsters
10 Pull Ups
Post time.
* Waiter Thrusters are performed with 2 plates held in each hand just as a waiter holds two trays.
Level 2X
10 Weighted Muscle Ups  20#/10#
15 Minutes practicing the Flagpole.
30 Inverted Toe Touches w/ Gravity Boots
Post time, completed and time.
5 Rounds
350m Row
35 Unbroken Double Unders
Post time.

Reminder:  The Annual CFEC Christmas Potluck will be held on December 24th, after the 10:00 a.m. class is over.  There will be a sign up sheet for those who wish to bring a dish and share in the holiday festivities.  All are welcome to attend.