Reminder: All classes will be held at Cowles Mountain this Saturday, March 13. All classes are at their regular times. Come join in on the fun. Meet at the main entrance at Navajo and Golfcrest.

Happy Birthday, Teshina! This workout is for you.

20 Squats


19 Pull Ups

8 Power Snatches  75#/53#

9 OH Squats

14 KB Swing  53#/35#

1 TGU (each arm)

3 times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  A classic CF chipper in honor of CFEC's favorite trainer, Teshina. This workout contains as many of her favorite moves that I could think of. Ok, so the HSPU's aren't one of them. She knows she needs to work on these, so she won't mind that they're thrown in there. The weight is the same for the overhead squats as the power snatches. Same as the TGU's and KB swings.