Congratulations to Mike B. for his completion of this past weekend’s Rock and Roll Marathon.  The celebration with his kids is priceless.


Level 1

4 Rounds
600m Run
20 Wall Ball  20#/14#
15 Skater Plyos  R+L=1  4′
10 Burpees
Post time.


Level 2

Take 10 minutes to build to heavy single for:
400m Run
15 Wall Walks
400m Run
30 KB Swings  70#/53#
400m Run
30 CTB Pull Ups
400m Run
15 Wall Walks
Post load and time.


“Weight Vest Wednesday”

200 Single Unders
100 ft. Walking Lunges
25 Push Ups
400m Run
25 Push Ups
100 ft. Walking Lunges
200 Single Unders
800m Run
50 DB Deadlifts  50#/35#
25 DB Front Squats
50 DB Deadlifts
800m Run
Post time.