Rest Day/ Benchmark Workout/ Make Up A Missed Workout

Post workout and load/time.

ATTENTION, CLASS SCHEDULE CHANGE: We will no longer have a noon class on Tuesday and Thursday, we will be adding an 8am class on Tuesday and Thursday beginning today, November 2nd.

Special Announcement:  We will be having a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of CrossFit East County in the city of El Cajon on Wednesday November 10, at 4:30 p.m.  A representative from the mayor's office, city counsel members, a representative from California Assemblyman Joel Anderson's office and a representative from Congressman Duncan Hunter's office will be there to welcome us into their city.  Members from local Law Enforcement offices will be attending as well.  Please pick up a flyer at the front desk detailing more information about this honorable ceremony.  Make plans to attend.


Coach JB showing solid body position and great range of motion in a not so easy move, the overhead squat.  JB will be the first to tell you that he had to put in a ton of work to develop the flexibility needed to be solid in the overhead squat position.  We'll call it maturation.  Looking good, James.