WOD Sunday 07/12/09
Once again Sunday's workout will be a surprise to all who attend the Free Class at 9am. Be sure to bring your enthusiasm, desire, determination [...]
Once again Sunday's workout will be a surprise to all who attend the Free Class at 9am. Be sure to bring your enthusiasm, desire, determination [...]
For time:400m Run20 DB Clean & Jerk (35#/25#)300m Run40 Wall Ball (20#/16#)200m Run20 Burpees100m Walking LungesPost times to comments.You often hear the phrase "the perfect [...]
In honor of one of favorite clients, Kim Dibble. Happy Birthday Kim. 4 Rounds For Time 440m Run 44 Split Squat Jumps 44 Push-Ups 44 [...]
WOD 5,3,3,2,1,1,1 Deadlift Find Your Max Load. Then... 3 Rounds For Time. 10 Wall Ball (20#/16#) 12 Box Jumps (24"/20") 22 Double Unders Post Times [...]
" Justin" 3 Rounds for time: 20 Power Snatches (75#/45#) 20 Over Head squats (Same Wt.) 5 Muscle Ups Then... 2 Rounds for time: 72 [...]
"Running Grace" For Time: 1 Mile Run 30 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#) 1 Mile Run Post Time to Comments. compare to 07/09/08. Review: Range of [...]
Back Squat 5,3,3,2,2,1,1 Use this rep scheme to get a good warm-up before you go for max load. Then... 3 Rounds for Time: 10 KB [...]
Sunday's workout will be a surprise to all who attend the Free Sunday Class. Be sure to bring your enthusiasm, desire, determination and big smile. [...]
Happy 4th of July! "Hokey Pokey" Complete 30 reps of the following for time with a 95#/63# bar 1 Rep = Squat Clean, put your [...]
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1Rest 5 minutes5 Rounds10 Wall Ball10 BurpeesRest in between each round the exact amount of time it took you to complete the previous round.Post [...]