Workout: Sunday 08/22/2010
9am Class5 RoundsMax reps in 1 minute, 1 minute rest between rounds:Power Cleans 135#/93#Double UndersBurpeesPost total number of reps completed for all 5 rounds.10am Free [...]
9am Class5 RoundsMax reps in 1 minute, 1 minute rest between rounds:Power Cleans 135#/93#Double UndersBurpeesPost total number of reps completed for all 5 rounds.10am Free [...]
1 Mile Run30 OH Squats 75#/53#30 KB Swings 53#/35#20 OH Squats 95#/63#20 KB Swings 62#/44#10 OH Squats 115#/78#10 Kb Swings 70#/53#1 Mile RunPost total time.Coaching [...]
Fun Friday Workout Perform This Workout In Teams Of 3 People 6 X 400m Curb/Ledge Run 15 Wall Climbs 21 Ring to Bar Pull Ups [...]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY BAKER AND LIZA FERRARO! CROSSFIT GIRLS THAT RULE! 25 Burpees 30 Med Ball Cleans 20#/16# 30 Overhead Lunge Steps 75#/53# 30 Push Press [...]
Strength: Bench Press 5 X 5 Deadlifts 5 X 3 Olympic Lift: Cleans - Heavy Single Push Jerk 4 X 2 CrossFit: 500m Row Then. 400m [...]
400m Run 50 Double Unders 15 Burpees 3 times. Rest 3 Minutes. Then. 15 Unbroken Pull Ups X 3 2:00 Ring Plank Holds 2 times. [...]
Back Squat 5 X 3 Then. 2:00 On AirDyne (:15 hard, :15 Easy) 10 Clean and Jerk 135#/88# 200m Run Rest 2 minutes. 3 times. [...]
9am Class5 Rounds400m Run12 Clapping Push-Ups9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups6 BW DeadliftPost total time.10am Free ClassAMRAP in 20 minutes:5 Pull-Ups10 Push-Ups15 Squats30 Skater Plyos200m SprintPost [...]
21-15-9 Right Arm DB Squat Cleans 35#/25# Right Arm OH Walking Lunge Steps Left Arm DB Squat Cleans Left Arm OH Walking Lunge Steps Burpees [...]
Benchmark Friday "Jackie" 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45# 30 Pull Ups Then. "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit Ups Post times. Coaching Tips: Scale load and [...]