WOD Thursday, 05/22/08
REST DAY! Here's an interesting read...... To Stretch or Not to Stretch? By GINA KOLATA Published: March 13, 2008NEWS about stretching seems to come in [...]
REST DAY! Here's an interesting read...... To Stretch or Not to Stretch? By GINA KOLATA Published: March 13, 2008NEWS about stretching seems to come in [...]
400M Run, 100 Jump Rope, 50 Wall Ball(M-20#, W-16#) 400M Run, 100 Jump Rope, 50 Sit-ups 400M Run, 100 Jump Rope, 50 KB Swings(M-53#, W-35#) [...]
As many rounds in 15 minutes of:10 Squats5 Burpees5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (M-65#, W-45#)Run 1 mileAs many rounds in 15 minutes of:10 Squats5 Burpees5 [...]
7 Rounds for Time of:7 Burpees 7 Hang Power Snatches ( M-95#,W-55# )7 Thrusters 7 Knees to ElbowsStart and end with an 800 Meter Run [...]
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:20 Push Press, (M-105 #, W-75 #)40 Double Unders20 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls, (M-75 #, W-55 [...]
Rest Day If you must get in a workout...try to master one of the Oly lifts. There are numerous videos and lecture clips available on [...]
3 Rounds for time 15 Plate Squat Jumps (M 45#, W25#) 30 Plate Lunges 20 Lateral Plate Jumps 200M OH Plate Walks 400M Run Post [...]
3 Rounds for time 15 KB Snatches Rt. Arm (M 44#, W 26#) 15 KB Snatches Lft. Arm 30 Pull-ups 30 DB OH Lunges, 15 [...]
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Post max load to comments Occasionally someone comes into the gym and gets yelled at for violating our rule of "No crunches [...]
"Jackie" 1000M Row 50 Thrusters (45lb. bar) 30 Pull-ups For time Post time to comments We want to welcome our newest CrossFitter, Dave N. We [...]