WOD Sunday, 6/01/08
REST DAY! Enjoy your Sunday!
REST DAY! Enjoy your Sunday!
" Christine" 3 Rounds for Time 500M Row 12 BW Deadlifts 21 Box jumps (M-24", W-20") and "Jodi" 4 rounds for time 15 Thrusters (M-95#, [...]
Do (7) 1 rep. working sets of a combo of:Back Squat/ Split Jerk (behind the head)Warm Up and then work within about 90% of your [...]
"Barbara" 5 rounds for time 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats 3 minute rest between rounds Post time to comments We did this [...]
FOR TIME 400M Run 21 Thrusters(M-95#, W-65#) 21 Pull-ups 42 Sit-ups 400M Run 15 Thrusters 15 Pull-ups 30 Sit-ups 400M Run 9 Thrusters 9 Pull-ups [...]
REST DAY! Have a great day! CAN YOU HANDSTAND??? Handstands are a great skill to practice each day…Find an empty wall in your house that [...]
50 - 35 - 20 - For timePush Press (M-65#, W-45#)Kettlebell Swings (M-53#, W-35#)Box jump (M -24", W-20")Push upRun 400 meters (after each round) Post [...]
5 Rounds for time 30 Squats 25 Cal Row 20 Wall Ball 15 Box Jumps 10 Pull-ups 5 KB Swings Post time to comments OH [...]
"EVA" 5 Rounds for time 800M Run 30 KB Swings (M-53#, W-35#) 30 Pull-ups Post time to comments Saturday crew hard at work!
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 Post max load to comments Watch the video below. I am sure you will laugh-out-loud listening to some of Matt [...]