WOD Sunday 06/21/09
5 Rounds50 Walking Lunge Steps15 Wall Ball15 Pull Ups15 Push UpsPost times to comments.Check out George's beautiful Wall Ball execution. His squat is way below [...]
5 Rounds50 Walking Lunge Steps15 Wall Ball15 Pull Ups15 Push UpsPost times to comments.Check out George's beautiful Wall Ball execution. His squat is way below [...]
800m Run50 Wall-ball 20#/16#400m Run 40 KB Swings 53#/35#400m Run30 SDLHP 53#/35#200m Run20 BurpeesPost times to comments.THE JOURNALS ARE INBy Julia CruzThe journals are in, [...]
For Time: 400m Run 20 Hang Power Cleans ( 95#/65#) 20 Front Squats ( Same Load ) 10 Knees To elbows 400m Run 20 Overhead [...]
Complete the Work For Calories and Time Two person teams. One rows for calories, while the other does the exercises to completion of prescribed reps. [...]
"Jeremy" For Time 21-15-9 Overhead Squats (PVC) Burpees Rest 5 Minutes Snatch Skill Work 3 X 5 Hang Muscle Snatches 3 X 2 3 Position Snatches [...]
"Cindy" AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 5 Pull Ups10 Push Ups15 Squats Post number of completed rounds to comments. compare to 10/31/08 RANGE OF MOTION [...]
For Time 1 Mile Run 4 Rounds 1 Deadlift (300/185) 2 Muscle Ups 3 Squat Cleans (185/125) 4 Handstand Push ups 1 Mile Run Post [...]
10 - 15 - 20 - 15 - 10 KB Swings 53#/35#BurpeesBox Jumps 24"/20" Post times to comments. STUPID PET TRICKSAgain, I have to ask [...]
"Tabata Timed Fran" 21-15-9ThrustersPull-Ups This workout will be completed Tabata style... How many rounds of 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest will [...]
CFEC clients can now earn up to $100 in credit toward their own monthly membership dues by referring a friend. The best part of this [...]