Workout: Saturday 03/12/2011
"Tabata This" Row (calories) Squat Pull-Up Push-Up Sit-Ups Tabata Intervals ( 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times) is [...]
"Tabata This" Row (calories) Squat Pull-Up Push-Up Sit-Ups Tabata Intervals ( 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times) is [...]
Level 1 Front Squat 5 sets of 5 reps; rest as needed. Then. 3 Rounds 200m Run 15 Pull Ups 15 DB Thrusters 15 Box [...]
800m Run 500m Row 35 KB Swings 53#/35# 50 Sit Ups 1000m Row 50 Sit Ups 35 KB Swings 500m Row 800m Run Post time. [...]
Level 1 30 Seconds All Out on AirDyne 200m Run 12 Pull Ups Rest 4 minutes. 4 times. Level II 30 Seconds All Out on [...]
Clean Deadlift 3,3,3,3 Hang Clean 2,2,2,2 Split Jerk 1,1,1,1 Then. 3 Rounds 25 Wall Ball 20# @ 10'/16# @ 8' 10 KB Snatch Rt. 53#/35# [...]
AMRAP in 5 Minutes of: 300m Row 10 Ring Dips Max Burpees Rest. AMRAP in 8 Minutes of: 500m Row 15 Box Jumps 24"/20" Max [...]
OPEN GYM 8:30-10:00am 10am Free Class AMRAP in 20 minutes 7 DB Push Press 35#/25# 7 Toes to Bar 7 Box Jumps 24"/20" 21 Double [...]
30 Deadlifts 225#/155# 40 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups 800m Run 50 Pistols 60 Burpees Post total time.
Partner Workout While one person works the other must hold the Slosh Pipe overhead. If the Slosh Pipe comes down prior to completing the perscribed [...]
100 Sit Ups Then. 3 Rounds 200m Run 15 Wall Ball 20# @ 10'/16# @ 8' 10 Burpees Then. 3 Rounds 250m Row 20 KB [...]