Level 1

Front Squat  5 sets of 5 reps; rest as needed.


3 Rounds

200m Run

15 Pull Ups

15 DB Thrusters

15 Box Jumps   24"/20"

Post load and time.

Level II

3 Rounds

30 Double Unders

15 Thrusters  115#/73#

15 CTB Pull Ups


4 Rounds

25 Squats

10 Burpees

Post times.

ATTENTION ATHLETES:  CrossFit East County will be hosting the weekly workouts that are going to make up The CrossFit Games Open Qualifiers.  Any and all athletes that are in the area are welcome to get their workouts validated at CFEC and not have to have their workouts submitted by video.  You will have to pay the entry fee to HQ to compete in The Open, but in order to have your workout judged at CFEC there will be a $2 fee. The times to have your workouts validated will be Fridays at 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 12:00 p.m. each week. The Open starts March 15.  For more information phone Paul @ 619-709-1276.