Workout: Saturday 02/29/2020
Choose One #1 4 Rounds 200m KB Suitcase Carry 53#/35# 30 Russian KB Swings 20 Goblet Squats 10 Pull Ups 200m Run Post time. [...]
Choose One #1 4 Rounds 200m KB Suitcase Carry 53#/35# 30 Russian KB Swings 20 Goblet Squats 10 Pull Ups 200m Run Post time. [...]
Partner Workout 100 Front Squats 95/65# (L2:135/95#) 100 Burpee over bar 200’ Sled Push 135/95# (Each) 100 Power Cleans 100 Toes to Bar 200’ DB [...]
Level One On a Running Clock: @0:00 2000m/1750m Row @10:00 7 Minute AMRAP Max DB Step Ups 35/20# (1 DB) 24/20” @20:00 1000m/750m Row -Post [...]
Level One 42-30-18 Wall Balls 20/14# 21-15-9 Deadlifts 185/135# + Accessory Work 4 Sets 20 DB Single Arm Bent Over Rows (10R/10L) *AHAP 20 DB [...]
Level One EMOM 10 Odd: 12 GHD Sit-ups Even: 5/3 Strict Pull-ups + 5 Rounds 20 Overhead Squats 75/55# 80 Double Unders 400m Run -Post [...]
Level One 5 Sets *Set Every 1:30 3 Squat Cleans+2 Front Squats+ 1 Jerk * AHAP (Cleans touch and go) + 30 Power Snatches 115/85# [...]
Choose One #1 1000m Row + 3 Rounds 30 Double Unders 10 Deadlifts 225#/165# 5 HSPU + 17 - 15 - 12 Power Cleans 135#/65# [...]
Partner Workout In teams of two, complete the following: 3 Rounds P1 250m Row P2 Max reps of Back Squats 95#/65# + 3 Rounds P1 [...]
Level 1 600m Run X 4 Rest 2 minutes between efforts 400m X 4 Rest 1 minute between efforts 200m X 4 Rest 1 minute [...]
Level 1 AMRAP in 12 minutes 250m Row 20 Wall Ball 20#/14# 10 Pull Ups - Rest 3 minutes - AMRAP in 12 minutes 20 [...]