Workout: Tuesday 09/07/2021
Level 1 "No Time Tuesday" 5 Sets 3 Back Squats *AHAP 5 Bench Press *AHAP 8/4 Strict Pull Ups 8 DB Alternating Shoulder Press *AHAP [...]
Level 1 "No Time Tuesday" 5 Sets 3 Back Squats *AHAP 5 Bench Press *AHAP 8/4 Strict Pull Ups 8 DB Alternating Shoulder Press *AHAP [...]
Reminder: Our class schedule for today has been modified for the Labor Day Holiday. Noon class will be the last class of the day. Please, [...]
Reminder: We will have a modified class schedule on Monday, Labor Day Holiday. The morning classes will be as regularly scheduled times and the noon [...]
Notice: The class schedule for Monday, Labor Day Holiday, will be modified. We will have normal morning classes and our last class for the day [...]
Level 1 EMOM for 12 minutes Odd minutes: 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean *AHAP Even minutes: :30 Handstand Hold + 4 Rounds 200m [...]
Level 1 21 - 15 - 9 Deadlifts 225#/155# Box Jumps 24"/20" + 1000m Row + 21 - 15 - 9 X 2 Wall Ball [...]