WOD Saturday, 10/11/08
REST DAY! Work on what you do not like the most. Improve your skill on the rower, pull-ups, OH Squats, etc. We will still be [...]
REST DAY! Work on what you do not like the most. Improve your skill on the rower, pull-ups, OH Squats, etc. We will still be [...]
ARE YOU READY FOR HER? "FRAN" For time 21-15-9 Thrusters (M-95#/W-65#) Pull-ups Post time to comments This is an amazing video to watch....Josh's time on [...]
"Ryan" 5 Rounds for time 7 Muscle-ups 21 Burpees Post time to comments OR "Michael" 3 Rounds for time 800M Run 50 Back Extensions 50 [...]
"HOUSE OF CARDS" Complete the whole deck of cards for time. Reps are value of face cards and Jacks = 11 Queen = 12 Kings [...]
For time 25 Walking Lunges 20 Pull-ups 50 Box Jumps (M-24", W-20") 20 Double-Unders 25 Ring Dips 20 K2E 30 KB Swings (M-53#, W-35#) 30 [...]
Working with a partner.... 5 Rounds "The Bear Complex" 7 reps = 1 Round Add weight each round to find max weight While one partner [...]
REST DAY! ENJOY YOUR DAY! ***Reminder*** We will be having a "free" class this Saturday October 11th @ 11am. Please tell your friends, family, neighbors, [...]
"OCTOBERFAST" 400m Run 10 Pull-ups 31 Squats 10 Push-ups 400M Run 10 Burpees 31 Med Ball Cleans (M-20#/W-16#) 10 K2E 400M Run 10 Pull-ups 31 [...]
AMRAP in 20 Minutes: 3 Thrusters (M-115#/W-85#) 6 Clapping Push-ups 9 Pull-ups Post rep count to comments One the video clips from FGB III Challenge.....more [...]
"Nancy" 5 Rounds for time 400M Run 15 OH Squats (M-95#/W-65#) Post time to comments **Remember we have added a new class tonight (Thursday) night [...]