WOD Friday 05/01/09
"Running G.I. Jane" 4 Rounds of: 400M Run 25 Burpee Pull-ups Post time to comments
"Running G.I. Jane" 4 Rounds of: 400M Run 25 Burpee Pull-ups Post time to comments
Deadlift 3-3-3 (85% of 1 rep max) Push Jerk 2-2-2-2 (80% of 1 rep max) Post Loads to Comments CFEC will be holding a new [...]
Run 5K If you cannot run, Row 5K Then: 10 Muscle-Up10 Ground-to-Shoulder (Male: 185#, Female: 105#) It's up to you to decide on the technique to [...]
Working as a 3 person team, the task must be completed while one person doing the work wears a weighted vest. No reps will count [...]
Partner Workout.... Each teammate will do 10 rounds each. One does double-unders, the other is on the bar: 10 Rounds of: 1 Power Clean (135/85) [...]
WOD Sunday 04/26/2009 Tababta: 8 rounds of 20 sec. work, 10 sec. rest: Double-Unders Sit-Ups Then... 1 Mile Run: 30 Lunges Run 1 minute repeat [...]
FOR TIME: 100 OH Squats (65/45) At the top of every minute you must do 3 Pull-ups & 3 Push-ups. You will have the rest [...]
AMRAP IN 20 MINS. OF: 3 Thrusters (135/85) 6 Deadlifts (250/185) 9 Burpees Post total rounds to comments REMINDERS: "FREE" CLASS THIS SATURDAY @ 11AM. [...]
AMRAP IN 20 MINUTES OF: 30 KB Swings 20 Ring Dips 10 Pull-ups Post time to comments Reminder: CFEC will be having a "FREE" Class [...]
Back Squat 5,5,3,3,1,1 Get to 90% Max Load Rest 5 Minutes 5 Rounds 5 Power Snatches (115#-80#) 100M Med Ball Sprint (20#-16#) Post Load of [...]