Workout: Saturday 04/10/2010
100 Sit-Ups 80 Double unders 60 Overhead Squats 45#/33# 40 Pull-Ups 20 KB Swings 70#/53# At the end of each 3 minutes, stop to perform [...]
100 Sit-Ups 80 Double unders 60 Overhead Squats 45#/33# 40 Pull-Ups 20 KB Swings 70#/53# At the end of each 3 minutes, stop to perform [...]
10 Deadlifts M-BW+30#/ W-BW+10# 10 DB Hang Cleans 35#/25# 10 Ring Dips 4 times. 30/30 Flutter Kicks 30/30 Mt.Climbers 30/30 Hang Power Snatch 75#/53# 4 [...]
400m Run 25 Double Unders 800m Run 50 Double Unders 400m Run 25 Double Unders Then. "Tailpipe" 250m Row KB Rack Holds for Row time( [...]
Workout #1 Clean High Pulls 3 X 2 Split Jerk 3 X 1 Clean and Jerk - Heavy Single Workout #2 50 Squats 50 Overhead [...]
20 Unbroken KB Step Ups ( 2 @ 35#+16"/2 @ 26#+ 12") 20 Unbroken Pull Ups 4 times. Then. 1000m Row 30 Thrusters 75#/53# 30 [...]
10 Power Cleans 115#/78# ( Comp. 155#/103#) 20 Calories on AirDyne 2 Minute Rest. 3 times. Then. Complete 50 Burpees with in the fewest intervals of [...]
We will be closed today in celebration of the Easter Holiday. Please enjoy the day with family and friends. We will see you tomorrow!Coaching Tips: [...]
Reminder:The gym will be closed tomorrow in observance of the Easter Holiday. We will be offering the Free Class this morning, Saturday at 9:00 am [...]
Reminder:The gym will be closed this Easter Sunday. We will, however, hold the Free Class on Saturday at 9:00 am for this weekend only. The [...]