WOD Wednesday, 01/21/09
5 Rounds: 10 BW Back Squats 250M Row Post to comments Enlarge Image... http://www.crossfit.com/mt-archive2/hipfunction.html Good posture on the left and bad posture on the right. “The [...]
5 Rounds: 10 BW Back Squats 250M Row Post to comments Enlarge Image... http://www.crossfit.com/mt-archive2/hipfunction.html Good posture on the left and bad posture on the right. “The [...]
3 Rounds for time: 10 Burpees 10 Thrusters (M-135#/W-85#) Post time to comments 98 Burpees today! Here is a Thruster.... http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/Barbell_Thruster.wmv
Two Man Teams Perform 6 Rounds of: "The Bear" Complex while the one teammate runs 400M. Score the reps you do of the "Bear" while [...]
REST DAY! Enjoy this beautiful day! 96 Burpees today! Thank you to everyone that came out our free class yesterday. It was great to meet [...]
95 Burpees today! 2 Rounds for time 5 Front Squats 5 Push-ups 10 Front Squats 10 SDL HP 55#/75# 15 Front Squats 15 Med Ball [...]
"MARY" AMRAP in 20 Minutes of: 5 HSPU 10 1-Legged Squats (aka - Pistols) 15 Pull-ups Post total reps to comments 94 Burpees today! Reminder.... [...]
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Wall Ball (M-20#/W-16#) KB Swings (M-53#/W-35#) Box Jumps (M-24"/W-20") Pull-ups Cal Row Post time to comments 93 Burpees today! REMINDER: We will [...]
4 Rounds of: BW Back Squat 10 Box Jumps (M-24"/W-20") 200M Sprint Time your Sprints only. Rest as needed between rounds. Post 4 times to [...]
400M Run 50 Double Unders 20 Clapping Push-ups 400M Run 40 D/U 30 Clapping Push-ups 400M Run 30 D/U 40 Clapping Push-ups 400M Run 20 [...]
For Time 7 Rounds 250M Row 7 DB Cleans (M-35#/W-20#) 7 DB Thrusters (Same #) 7 Box Jumps (M-24"/W-20") 7 Pull-ups Post time to comments [...]