Workout: Tuesday 06/01/2021
Level 1 "No Time Tuesday" 5 Sets 3 Power Cleans *AHAP Touch and Go 12 GHD Sit Ups 20 Calorie Row 3 Push Jerks *AHAP [...]
Level 1 "No Time Tuesday" 5 Sets 3 Power Cleans *AHAP Touch and Go 12 GHD Sit Ups 20 Calorie Row 3 Push Jerks *AHAP [...]
Happy Memorial Day. Please, take time out of your day to give thanks to all of the great Americans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice [...]
Reminder: We will only be open for the 5:15 am, Open Gym and 9:00 am classes on Monday, Memorial Day. Classes will resume as scheduled [...]
Reminder: We will only be open for the 5:15 am, Open Gym and 9:00 am classes on Monday, Memorial Day. Classes will resume as scheduled [...]
Reminder: We will only be open for the 5:15 am, Open Gym and 9:00 am classes on Monday, Memorial Day. Classes will resume as scheduled [...]
Level 1 1 Mile Run + 4 Rounds 20 Wall Ball 20#/14# 10 Pull Ups 15 Box Jumps 20" + 1 Mile Run Post time. [...]
Level 1 "No Time Tuesday" 5 Sets 8 Back Squats *AHAP 6 DB Bench Press *AHAP 6/3 Strict Pull Ups 12 GHD Sit Ups 2 [...]
Level 1 4 Rounds 10 Burpee Pull Ups 10 Devil's Press 35#/25# 30 Double Unders 15 DB Front Squats 200m Run + Snatch Grip Deadlift [...]
Choose One: #1 Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3 + 5 Rounds 10 DB Bench Press 50#/35# 10 Pull Ups 30 Double Unders 15 GHD Sit Ups Post [...]
Partner Workout "Pair - Up Throwdown '21" In teams of two, complete the following: 30 Synchronized Deadlifts 185#/125# 30 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees 400m Run [...]