Level One

Push Jerk+ Split Jerk
5 sets of 2 reps *ahap
-Rest as needed b/t sets
4 Sets
5:00 AMRAP
20/16 cal row
20 Shoulder to overhead
20 GHD sit-ups
-Rest 1:30 b/t sets
**After 4th Set: rest 1:30 then do,
1 round for time:
20/16 cal row
20 shoulder to overhead
20 GHD sit-ups
-Post load and total Reps for 4 amraps and time. (Combine all reps from the amraps for one rep total)
***For the amraps the goal is to finish one round and be starting your second round…..For the last set “for time” try and be 5:00 or less.

Level Two

Emom 12
Odd: 100’ Sled push 135/90#
Even: 20 wall balls 20/14#
-Rest 3:00
Emom 12
odd: 250m/200m Ski Erg
Even: 12/8 HSPU
-Rest 3:00
Emom 12
Odd: 50’ Front Rack Walking Lunge 2×50/35# DBs
Even: 15/12 Cal Bike
-Post Rx or intervals complete for each Emom


400m Run
50 Back Squats 45/35#
50 Front Squats
50 Overhead squats
400m Run
50 Strict Press
50 Push Press
50 Push Jerks
400m Run
50 Hang Power Cleans
50 Hang Power Snatches
400m Run
***All barbell movements done with empty bar 45/35#
-Post time