Partner Workout
In teams of two. complete the following:
5 Rounds
P1 15/10 Calories on Assault Bike + 15 GHD Sit Ups
P2 Holds Forearm Plank
5 Rounds
P1 20 Alternating DB Snatches 50#/35# + 5 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
P2 Hangs From Pull Up Bar
800m Run (each)
P1 Runs 200m
P2 Rests
Post time.
Optional Workout
800m Run
5 Rounds
10 DB Deadlifts 35#/25#
25 ft. DB High Carry Walking Lunges
10 DB Push Press
25 ft. DB Low Carry Walking Lunges
800m Run
Post time.
3 Rounds
750m Row
25 KB Swings 53#/35#
20 Goblet Squats
20 Box Jumps
10 Burpees
Post time.
Diana 20:29 Rx
Andy 20:29 Rx
Rob 34:15 Rx
Sam 25:00 Rx
Emily/Alex 41:40 Rx
Dylan/Sean 39:00
Michelle/Rylie/Julie 51:36
Mandy 20:47 Rx
Nicole H. 28:38 Rx
Tina 28:14
Brian 20:45
Sam S. 22:05 Rx
Zach 22:56 Rx
Jessica 28:50 Rx
Kristine 22:49 Rx
Mary 31:14 Rx
Marta 28:23
Brian V. 29:53 Rx
Lisa C. / Lisa. Rx 47:35
Trapp/JoJo/Jeff 40:09Rx
Justin/Dean 52:00
Mike 33:12
Elizabeth 28:05Rx