Level 1

“No Time Tuesday”

5 Sets
3 Strict Shoulder Press   *AHAP
5 Deadlifts  *AHAP
12 GHD Sit Ups
14 DB Step Ups  *AHAP
10 Pull Ups
20/15 Calories on Assault Bike
Post loads.


Level 2

EMOM for 12 minutes
Odd minutes:  8 DB Bench Press  *AHAP
Even minutes: 10/6 Strict Pull Ups
350m Row Sprints X 10
– Rest 1 minute between sprints –
Post load and fastest and slowest sprint.


CrossFit Old School

5 Rounds
30 Double Unders
10 DB Hang Squat Cleans  35#/25#
10 Burpees Over DB’s
10 Box Jumps  24″/20″
200m Run
Post time.