Level 1

E3M for 36 minutes
1st 3 minutes:   250m Row + 20 Wall Ball    20#/14#
2nd 3 minutes:   25 Double Unders  +  25 Russian KB Swings   53#/35#  +  5 Burpees
3rd 3 minutes:   200m Run  +  10 Pull Ups  +  15 Push Ups
Post Rx or cycles completed.


Level 2

Open Workout 20.4

30 Box Jumps  24″/20″
15 Clean and Jerks  95#/65#
30 Box Jumps
15 Clean and Jerks   135#/85#
30 Box Jumps
10 Clean and Jerks  185#/115#
30 Pistols
10 Clean and Jerks  225#/145#
30 Pistols
5 Clean and Jerks   275#/175#
30 Pistols
5 Clean and Jerks  315#/205#
20 minute time cap.
250 ft.  Handstand Walk
Post time or reps completed and time.


“Weight Vest Wednesday”

AMRAP in 30 minutes
400m Run
20 Walking Lunges
10 Burpees
20 Plate Clean and Press   35#/25#
10 Pull Ups
Post rounds and reps.