Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:

21 – 15 – 9 – 15 – 21
Thrusters   75#/65#
Calories on Rower
GHD Sit Up
P1 Does 21 Thrusters,  P2 Rests
P2 Does 21 Thrusters, P1 Rests
P1 Does 21 Cal Row, P2 Rests and so on…
1000m Run
P1 Runs 200m’s
P2 Rests
Post time.


Optional Workout

800m Run
50 Hand to Hand KB Swings   53#/35#
10 Burpees
600m Run
50 Flip Squats
10 Burpees
400m Run
50 Alternating KB Snatches
10 Burpees
Post time.


EMOM for 30 minutes
1st minute:  10 Thrusters   95#/65#
2nd minute:  10 Pull Ups
3rd minute: 5 Burpees
4th minute: 20 Sit Ups
5th minute: 10 Front Rack Lunge Steps
6th minute: Rest
Post Rx or cycles completed.