Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following: Lift 30,000 lbs. in these lifts.
Back Squat
Shoulder Press
Bench Press
Power Clean
Minimum of 1,000 lbs. per exercise, per person. Complete in any order, rep scheme and load. One person works at a time.

Deadlift 20 reps X 225# = 4500
Back Squat 20 reps X 185# = 3700
Shoulder Press 20 reps X 95# = 1900
Bench Press 20 reps X 135# = 2700
Power Clean 20 reps X 115# = 2300 Total = 15,100
Post time.


Optional Workout

“La Mesa Workout”
:45 work/:10 transition
3 Rounds
Front Rack Lunge Steps   75#/55#
Lateral Bar Hops
Flutter Kicks
– Rest 1 minute –
3 Rounds
Russian KB Swings  53#/35#
Box Jumps   20″
Alternating KB Rows
– Rest 1 minute –
3 Rounds
Assault Bike
Squat Thrusts
Post Rx or cycles completed.


5 Rounds
350m Row
12 Hang Power Clean and Jerks  95#/65#
12 GHD Sit Ups
12 Back Squats
Post time.