Partner Workout
In teams of three, complete the following:

3 Rounds
P1:  10 Power Cleans  95#/65# + 10 Pull Ups + 5 Burpees
P2: Rows for Max Meters
P3: Holds Handstand
3 Rounds
P1:  14 Alternating DB Snatches    50#/35# + 10 Box Jump Overs  20″
P2:  Skis for Max Meters
P3:  Holds Wall Sit
3 Rounds
P1:  20 Russian KB Swings  70#/53#
P2:  Max Distance on Assault Bike
P3:  Holds Feet 6″ off the Ground
Post time and total distance from all 3.


Optional Workout

AMRAP in 25 minutes
200m Run
12 Squat Cleans  95#/65#
12 Push Ups
12 Push Jerks
12 Pull Ups
Post rounds plus reps.


E4M for 24 minutes
20/15 Calorie Row
10 DB Thrusters   35#/25#
30 Double Unders
5 Burpees
Post Rx or cycles completed.