Important Notice:  There will NOT be an OPEN GYM tomorrow, Sunday  August 6th.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  The regular schedule will resume next week.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Choose One:

600m Run X 3
Rest 2 minutes between efforts
400m Run X 4
Rest 1 minute between efforts
200m Run X 4
Rest 1 minute between efforts
Post time minus 11 minutes.


5 Rounds
350m Row
16 DB Alternating Snatches   50#/35#
14 DB Alternating Overhead Lung Steps
30 Double Unders
Post time.


Perform in any order and any rep scheme
75 Squat Cleans   95#/75#
100 GHD Sit Ups
75 Push Jerks
100 Double Unders
75 Floor Press
100 Box Step Ups  20″
Post time.