Level 1

5 Sets
6 Double KB Front Squats *AHAP
5 Bench Press *AHAP
10 DB Single Arm Rows *AHAP
10 GHD Sit Ups
3 Sets
8 Hurdle Jumps
10 Med Ball Skater Plyos R+L=1
4 50m Sprints
Post loads.


Level 2

Take 15 minutes to find Heavy Single for:
Clean and Jerk
Back Squat 5X5
Post loads.



CrossFit Old School

3 Rounds
500m Row
15 Thrusters 75#/55#
15 Squat Thrusts Over Bar
400m Run
20 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
10 Split Squat Jumps R+L=1
Post time.