Level 1

EMOM for 15 minutes
1st minute: 5 Back Squats *AHAP
2nd minute:  1 Rope Climb 15’
3rd minute: 15 Hollow Rock F+B=1
5 Sets
12/8 Calories on Assault Bike
7 Clean and Jerks  95#/65#
3 Burpees
– Rest 1 minute –
Post load and time minus 4 minutes.





Level 2

Overhead Squat 3,3,3,3,3  *AHAP
4 Rounds
200m Run
15 Med Ball GHD Sit Ups  20#/14#
20 Hand Release Push Ups
Post load and time.




CrossFit Old School

5 Rounds
350m Row
16 DB Step Ups  2@35#/25#  20”/16”
16 DB Floor Press
16 DB Push Press
16 DB Front Squats
Post time.